Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Fraudulent FREE Psychic Readings

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Just got a FREE reading response back but it was evident that no one of their psychics READ the question.  I guess it didn’t help that I labelled the question incorrectly with “this is a love question” and then I asked a financial question.

I didn’t have much faith that a live psychic would answer my question.  I thought it was fraudulent and fake but I wanted to see what would happen — testing my skepticism.

One thing they said before asking the question is that I could get the free question in a few days or I could get a live psychic now by paying.  Turns out the free question is a form response — potentially a number of possibilities and turns out (I should try this again — oh what fun) — came back within hours with a general statement about my apparent “love” question with a whole bunch of “act now” and buttons to click for a paid reading and then it.

This thing was FAKE.  No one had even looked at my question and with the HTML of the email, it had a “campaign link” to see how many suckers would actually think someone answered their question and then they wanted more.

Now I had offered free readings in the past but rarely got feedback so I thought of sending an auto responder saying that it might take a couple of months since I need to food and shelter and there was no reciprocation in free reading to feedback.  The auto responder was going to have a link to a paid reading.  Now I can see if I did that it would have looked like I was scamming when I really wasn’t because eventually I would have done the free reading but it would have taken time.

I’m not sure whether I should be upset with these frauds or upset with seekers.  It doesn’t take just minutes to do your reading and nothing is really free… then again someone like me does give away things for free but I can see that is a minority situation so I closed down the free readings because it wasn’t give and take — just take.  But now I can see why.  People expect that this is how things go.  Anyway, I could rant and babbly on about this forever and making no sense because I just don’t want to spend too much time on this topic but yeah…  this is bad bad bad.

My Rates

Monday, March 20th, 2006

It would be good to mention that my rates over the past year have steadily increased. My first paid client in 2005 was $25 for a half hour and I gave an hour and a half reading! lol I then went up to $40.00 after about 3 months time I realized that was too low too and then I bumped it up to $60 with $40 readings for a half hour.

Now I only offer 1 hour readings unless you have received a one hour reading within the year — in that case, I offer the $40 half hour readings.

In addition, I have added 10 new readings that address the many needs of an individual.

What am I getting at? I’m still 50% less the competition. Meaning the market standard is approximately $150 for a one hour reading and goes up to as much as $200.00, so if you were thinking of getting a reading — I would get it now.

I have always went out of my way in readings and go beyond expectations.  The value of my readings are definately in the $150-200 range as I usually go beyond the hour and I do a lot of aftercare and follow up; however, I’m still finding my ground.  I’m one of those spiritual people who undercharge and devalue what I have to offer but in reality I have a lot of education, experience, and a gift for reading that I slowly come around to charging the appropriate price for my services. 🙂

And I will be certified soon too.  *grin*

Thanks to all for sharing your stories and your life and for allowing me to help you when you need and want it most!

Why Psychics Can & Will (most likely) Fail the Tests of Skeptics

Monday, March 20th, 2006

This is true as I understand it. I will have a bad reading if the person’s energy isn’t open. My best readings are with open minds. If someone comes into the reading with pre-determined “testing” behaviours, the reading will fail. Their money lost.  However I also tend to “screen” people psychically to see if they are open to readings or are going to test me.  In that way it’s a rare occurence that a reading doesn’t go well.  🙂

9 of Cups Psychic Tarot Card & Tools Reading

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

If you are seeking one of the best psychics or Tarot readers or Oracle readers in Toronto and the world, I may be one of them. 😉

A lot of people search for “best psychic” in the search engines and while I’m confident in my abilities I don’t like tooting my horn like that. Still, one way for people to find out if I’m the best Toronto or worldwide psychic Tarot reader for them is to find this site and then read through my personal Web site and entries on this blog. Then they can make an appointment. *grin*

New Web site with a lot of specialized and customized readings to help people lead stronger, meaningful, and productive lives.