Archive for the ‘Seekers’ Category

Free Wish and Prayer Request

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

The power of group prayer or just saying what needs to be said outloud.

If there is something you are wishing for, what to receive prayer, or want someone elses wish or wellness to improve — feel free to request that over here… Free Wish and Prayer Request

I say, “I’m a skeptic!” You say, “What, you can’t be — you’re a psychic!”

Monday, March 13th, 2006

Guess again.

I’m a very logical person and although I believe in other worlds, places, and spaces it comes from much research and personal experience. A skeptic is someone who doesn’t have blind faith and I’m perfectly happy if my sitters are skeptical as well. In fact, I suggest they always remember that they are in charge of the design of their life. I’m just a bridge to get where they are going.

Recently, I came across this neat blog entry that points to a debunker and mentalist, Derren Brown. Of course debunkers have their own debunkers. Can’t we all get along? 🙂 Seriously no one is safe. As long as we have a brain that can articulate thoughts, there will be naysayers and that’s a good thing.

I had a look and I was quite entertained. Of course, I didn’t fall for any of his tricks! Why? Because I know and understand cold reading and psychological tactics. If I like I can even employ them but I don’t unless it’s to the benefit of the person.
You say, “what!”. 🙂 Here’s what I mean, rapport building which can use NLP techniques is about getting someone to like you. For the most part I’m a likeable person because I’m great at rapport building. However, I am a natural rapport builder who, much after the fact, learned that the skills I have naturally others actually go out an learn. Anyway, I digress… what I’m trying to say is that I’m not wanting or trying to trick anyone but what I do know is that if I build rapport with someone they are more likely to be open to a reading where I am able to read their energy and give them the information they need to make the important decisions in their life.

Is it wrong if I get my information through energy readings or telepathy and clairsentient (aka psychic) means? I questioned that myself because I want and do lead an authentic life full of integrity. So the answer is no, no it’s not wrong. Why? Because I’m here as a bridge. As a person who can quickly get to the hear of the matter, expose it for what it is and then through highly intuitive ability, synchronistic events (i.e. Tarot), and skilled analysis I am able to tell you what a probable future looks like.

At the same time, people have the choice to create and design their own future with the knowledge I supply — knowledge their subconscious already had but refused to listen too. And when a stranger, someone who possibly couldn’t have known says what is deep inside you, well — that is powerful! So my gauge for whether what I do is full of integrity is this: Am I helping in a positive and productive way? Is the answer yes? Then I’m okay.

But I think I have digressed again… back to rapport building… when a reading starts I start with something that is highly accurate so that the seeker relaxes and then opens up — this is what many would call an “ice-breaker” and it makes my job easier and the sitter much more comfortable.

What I don’t employ is “leading” techniques, which a mentalist might do, and I’m very aware and explain to the sitter when I’m cold reading. i.e from what I visually see, you come across as this… but then I tell them what is actually really there (and that is the intuitive psychic part that I couldn’t of possibly known).

I write about such opposing views for a number of reasons, including: wanting sitters to be aware, not being afraid of being “exposed” hehe, I’m a skeptic too, it’s good to have a balanced and informed perspective, and information is my business. I absorb information and I deliver information, and this is no different.

Now it’s up to you to a) decide what you believe, but more importantly b) decide if what people like me do is of “any” value.

P.s Don’t worry about marketing terms like “psychic” because I would rather call myself highly intuitive but people recognize psychic more and I do possess skills of a psychic but really, I don’t like the term psychic. When consumers decide that they don’t need marketing to make informed decisions, that will be the day that I won’t have to use “standard terminology” for what I do. *grin*
p.s. Derren is conning you.  As I analyze his tricks and deception upon the audience, it’s discomforting to know that many people get swayed left, right, and center so easily (as Derren says) that many don’t realize that Derren is doing EXACTLY what he says others are doing.  It’s quite the ironic display.  🙂

On Death and Dying (including relationship breakup and career loss): The Five Stages of Grief

Saturday, March 11th, 2006

It’s been said that the ALL 5 stages MUST be completed before any permanent healing can be had. The stages may not come in order and may be repeated several times. Some people also never heal because they get stuck!
Example Loss of Job (fired)

  1. DENIAL — I don’t believe it. This isn’t happening. I will wake up tomorrow and it will be all just a bad dream. Next month: still not looking for work and hoping to get a call to be re-hired!
  2. ANGER — “shove it! I didn’t need this stinking job anyway.”
  3. BARGAINING — “maybe if I tell them I will work for free until they see again how they couldn’t possibly let me go!”
  4. DEPRESSION — “It’s no use. I’m a failure and they know I’m a failure”.
  5. ACCEPTANCE — “You know, this is actually a great thing that I’m not working there anymore. I’m thankful what I have learned from the past and it’s time to move on.There are opportunities out there for me and I’m going to go get one of them. “

One solution to feeling better is to a big cry or — TEAR

T = To accept the reality of the loss
E = Experience the pain of the loss
A = Adjust to the new environment without the lost object
R = Reinvest in the new reality

A reader, like myself, can help seekers in the healing process; however, it’s important to note that psychics may not licensed to coach, counsel, or consult in a particular field (i.e. grief counseling) and it may be wise to consult a licensed professional while at the same time keeping yourself open to a psychic reading.

For further reading…

and  Wikipedia on grief and loss

What to do when someone is grieving
(to note, this is opinion and ideas. one doesn’t need to follow it as if it were a tenet! i.e. I like to say: passed over

Magnetic Poetry (some of my favourite things)

Saturday, March 11th, 2006

writing poetry

You are not on the wrong station — it’s still the psychic network!!

There’s a lot of things I like and I’m going to share them with you; maybe you will like them too.

(all part of the Bettering Your World project!)