Archive for the ‘Links’ Category

Link: The Clairsentient Body

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

Cool! This is my main psychic ability: clairsentience and I’m highly empathic and intuitive as well.

Psychic Experience:

Unrelated to this post, I found people saying things today that I don’t think they actually “said”. For example, instead of saying something general and normal, like “goodbye”, they would say “love you too”. Like the moment they said that “odd” thing they were in a “trance”. I’m thinking they didn’t actually say it and I actually picked it up somehow because the voice was lower and slightly different and out of place then the rest of what was said. weird! I was tired and half asleep so that may of had something to do with it.

Review: Tantric Sex Workshop — L Becker on sex, love, and oneness

Thursday, November 17th, 2005

Tantra Workshops
An Evening of Tantra (Introduction)

My husband and I attended this workshop tonight (I always wanted to go). It was an “eye opener” and also expanded my comfort zone. My husband learned from it immensely (techniques and such) and quite enjoyed it (the spiritual and intimacy part) but I was in a “shy moment” shy=lack of self-confidence and feeling insecure and so I had a hard time with “exposing” myself to strangers. I don’t have a hard time doing that with my partner when we are alone but with a group it was difficult. It was even difficult to expose myself to my partner in the group but I did have a moment where I felt like we were connecting from a very deep place and it *was* beautiful.

At one point we exchanged partners and had long gazes into the eyes of strangers and honoured the divine in them and vice versa — namaste. In fact, it was truly a discomforting feeling but I was also humbled too. I actually felt like we had known each other in a past life or something — which if one believes in “oneness” we would indeed have already known the person. And of course, there were tears from many in the room. My partner had a way with bringing all the ladies to tears and wholeness. He just has such a gentle and accepting spirit and a powerful physical healing presence. *smile*

And while it was somewhat difficult to know he was “connecting” with strange women, I was also happy they could share a moment in time with such a special man. To that note, it surprised me when we were all introducing ourselves and were asked to say how we felt and my baby said, “I feel lucky that I am with her <---pointing to me". *big smile* Although he was perfectly happy interacting with strangers, I had a harder time at it and felt that singles might really enjoy this "connecting" experience, especially after a break-up of sorts because there was a lot of "love, hugs, and kindness" to go around and during a painful break-up one does need a lot of hugs and love -- especially from strangers (massage therapists, workshop participants, etc..) . 🙂 Basically my guy got a lot out of the experience and this gave me much happiness. If we are able to afford the full workshop, he would really like to do it and I would really like to do it with him... even if it means expanding my comfort zone. And to think that I was the one who suggested we go! Oh, and I learned that my baby can go from low energy to very high energy by just doing some breathing and movement excercises -- that was "very interesting" to find out. Learn something new everyday. *grin* And another side benefit for my honey is he felt "connected" to strangers again. He's a Pisces and the "outer" world doesn't seem to be for Pisces males. So it was nice to see him being him -- which is helpful, caring, and open. Something he often can't be in this silly world of ours. Yeah, though uncomfortable there is an undeniable *glow* that we both received after the workshop. My partner gives the class a "6" out of 5 and I give it a 4 out of 5 just because I didn't like (though it was good for me) interacting with the rest of the class on a "group" level -- I'm not much good with group interaction though my partner is. 🙂

Link: Energy Patterns — Relationships & Telepathy

Saturday, November 12th, 2005

The Energy Pattern of Relationships
The Energy Patter of Telepathy

Terribly cute!

Link: Eclectic Energies — Chakras, I-Ching, Enneagram Tests, Accupressure, and Excercises

Saturday, November 12th, 2005

Eclectic Energies