Archive for the ‘Interesting, Fun & Quotes’ Category

Link: Astrology in 2006

Thursday, April 6th, 2006

Love is the Law, love under Will. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

Love is the Law, love under Will
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law

An it harm none, do as thou wilt
Do what you will, so long as it harms none
An it harm none, do what thou will
That it harm none, do as thou wilt
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill, / An it harm none do what ye will.

Walking on a thin line: Computerized Readings

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

I discovered the following AFTER I created my own site:
I was looking around trying to find something and came across a site that was offering similar readings as I newly creted but instead of being around $60 it was $15.

I was disheartened: How could this be?

The readings looked real (afterall quite similar in sentiment to the ones I just developed and this is why I don’t think my ideas are original or mine even if I didn’t see, hear, or consciously know it existed anywhere else) so when I saw the cheap price tag I started to think, “There’s no way someone will put in all that time to read for someone else — you would make more money flipping burgers”. Then it dawned on me that they are COMPUTERIZED readings.

Buried in their site’s policies and disclaimers is this notation:

“Tarot readings include cards & card interpretations. Clients interpret the readings on their own, which is why they are so low in price. Consultations on purchased tarot readings are not offered.”

Now I could just as easily offer that for $9.95 so if you are seeking a computerized package of Tarot readings, astrology readings, and numerology readings — look no further for your cheap read — here’s my email address for that

I have EXACTLY the same programs as they do (well I do now after I saw what they were offering and then searched for it in computerized format).

What bothers me most is that the majority of people will go to that site believeing that an actual “psychic” — a LIVE psychic is doing their reading when that isn’t the case at all. Only a newbie, teenager, part-timer, masochist, hobbyist, or COMPUTER is going to do CHEAP readings.

Now maybe they offered real readings at one point because there are remnants of it being offered at one point with a “we currently do not offer this reading” at the very end of the explanation of what a live reading involves and who that person is (though we see no picture!).

A professional doesn’t have time to do free readings all the time and their breadth of experience and knowledge should not be devalued by offering such cheap readings. Nevermind, my live and real readings are STILL too cheap for what do and can offer!!

Anyway, my concern is: This is ONE more reason people feel that psychics and readers are frauds but what’s often more upsetting is that seekers believe them. They don’t take the time to explore a site or figure out anything — it’s a “WANT KNOW — COMPLAIN LATER” mentality. But with these types of sites, you won’t get a refund and they don’t care about you personally!! For $15 why should they??

If you are looking for angels that will give free readings and you have no interest in reciprocating their efforts, does that make you a devil?

Cheap Readings: I will send you what I have — a package of comprehensive computerized readings for $9.95 US –> or you can try some on-line oracles for free.

Genuine Readings: There’s also this option which connects you to a genuine real life Psychic Certified Professional Tarot Reader for a fair price between $50 and $125 depending on the reading package choosen.

It’s your call!

Tarot & Numbers One-on-One Workshops — Over-the-phone or In-person

Friday, March 24th, 2006

Missing Numbers: Identify your missing numbers and bring abundance and ease into your life.

Have you ever felt that something is missing? That life is a struggle at times? That if only x, y, z happened then you would be on the road to infinite success? Do you find yourself being your own worst enemy? Do you want more ease in your life?

In this one-on-one workshop, Abella Arthur (Certified Professional Tarot Reader) will calculate and identify your missing numbers. You will then discover how to integrate them into your core personality in positive, productive, and meaningful ways.

This is for anyone who wants to discover the missing links.

$45 US or $50 CDN — phone

$100 — in person

Register NOW

Intuitive Tarot Reading: Learn how to read the cards in less than an hour.

Are you interested in Tarot but don’t have the time, patience, or interest to study it? Are you just not “getting” Tarot? Would you like to be able to read for yourself, friends, and family from time-to-time? Use the ancient cards of wisdom with ease.

Use the ancient cards of wisdom with ease in this one-on-one workshop with Abella Arthur (Certified Professional Tarot Reader). Abella helps you get reading confidently in a short period of time so you don’t need to study Tarot or any other system for years before becoming a proficient casual reader.

This is NOT for people who want to read professionally**.

$95 US or $100 CDN —

$175 — in person

Register NOW

**Differences between a professional and hobbyist

Professional: Main source of income

As a professional you will have the ability to: handle difficult readings and challenging seekers, divine timelines, predict the future with great accuracy (freewill is, of course, always a factor), be specific, say something that you possibly couldn’t of known, be dedicated to continuous learning, improvement, and reading on a constant basis, develop reading relationships, handle energy drains, know other esoteric tools in great depth, and much much more.

If you are interested in professional training, please contact me for details.

Hobbyist: Not a main source of income

As a hobbyist, Tarot will not pervade your life. You will turn to this hobby whenever it suits your mood. You may read for people at parties on a whim rather than being scheduled to read. There will not be many books (i.e. over 6) or cards (i.e. over 3*) on your shelf related to Tarot. You will more than likely have difficulty with reading unique one-off questions or requests. Maybe you have never tried to read Tarot but it’s intriguing and you may decide to take it up as a hobby.

* — collectors are not necessarily hobbyist readers

A hobbyist may eventually become a professional.