Archive for the ‘Interesting, Fun & Quotes’ Category

Earth Angel Quiz :-)

Thursday, June 8th, 2006
Which Earth Angel Are You?

Wise One With an intelligence far beyond your earthly years and an awareness of the unknown to rival the greatest of astrologers, as a Wise One you’re an extremely gifted and significant spiritual agent, and have a special mission of teaching and awareness in your mortal life. In the spiritual world, you were called out of retirement due to your impeccable track record on Earth. You get the job done, and nobody else does your particular job better. You have eons of magical power and wisdom in your soul, though it may lie dormant. Your presence is magnetic and powerful, and when angered your eyes become alight with intensity and conviction. You are truly majestic and beautiful, the most respected and reverred of the Earth Angels. Remember, your hopes and dreams when applied are as good as casting a spell, whether good or bad. Be cautious of what you wish for, because it may just come true. Use that amazing capacity to learn, teach and work to your advantage, and it will take you everywhere you want to go.
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Um, sounds about right. 🙂 Divine Class

Abella Arthur’s Fortune Telling Greeting Cards or Personal Fortune Tellers

Thursday, May 25th, 2006


These Tarot fortune greeting cards (78 unique fortunes in total) are great for birthdays, special occaisons, and thank you’s. It’s also an innovative and inexpensive way to have psychic readings at your gathering such as an after-dinner treat.

Within a party setting, each guest opens their fortune and tells everyone else. It’s a whole lot of fun and enjoyment.



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Quote: Goals (future), Life (present)

Sunday, April 23rd, 2006

“Once you get where you want to go, you won’t need to know where you are.” Abella Arthur

Gospel of Judas: Marvin Meyer, Craig Evans, Bart Ehrman, Elaine Pagels

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

Exciting videos with scholars being quite entertaining and intellectual about religious history! Ohhhh… I always LOVE hearing from people that have a passion about what they do, know, and love and don’t fear being outspoken. yay!! *grin* Do not be shamed by your passion.
It’s an orgasmic experience. Thank you for sharing your brain.

Just found out the son of Adam and Eve was named Seth after Cane and Able *weird*. For some reason I only have Cane and Able in my head and I heard the name of Seth before but for some reason have a “negative” impression of Seth but not sure why. More investigating needed. 🙂

Something that was said by Meyer…
The spirit and power of Seth became incarnate of the figure of Jesus — speaking the word of Seth (gospel — good news of Seth).

Oh, now I also remember a couple of “channelers” who have said that they are channeling “Seth”… hmmm… *curious*

Things I believe in:

“There’s a spark of the divine within every person that has knowledge… a bit of God in that is inside each person”

Everyone has a direct access to God. You don’t have to go through any priest, rabbi, bishops, or any intermediator. The orthodox church or much of society doesn’t like the fact that individuals beat to their own drum and so try to stomp it out at all times. But all that is important is that you listen to God and the voice within. 🙂

Stuff about the story or what scholars say…

Judas was asked by Jesus to help him release his soul from his body. The apostles didn’t understand him. There were 13 apostles instead of 12 — Mary Magdelence was the priestess-wife and one of the apostles.

Judas had the insight and courage to betray Jesus as Jesus requested it.

Details left out of bible.. i.e. which apostle did what, etc.. “secret arrangements”. The apostles couldn’t understand why Judas would have gave him over to the soldiers but this text may give a good explanation of why that occured.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (first Christians)…
new testament more accurate about the history…

some things are fact and maybe others fiction… it would be hard to know unless one wants to believe or disbelieve.

I will post more on this thread as time passes…