Archive for the ‘Rants & Raves’ Category

The Religion and Culture of the Roma

Thursday, October 13th, 2005


The Roma’s are also known as the Gypsies. Ignorance is not bliss.

What does a Tarot card reader do?

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

The common thread for ALL Tarot card readers is that they have the ability or interest to divine the past, present, and future through Tarot cards.

And a good reader will divine additional information from the cards that require only limited knowledge about numerology, astrology, colour psychology, kabbalah, occult, and social psychology.

If the reader is intuitive, visual, creative, & a good communicator/listener — they are able to put together a good story through allegorical information. This is “one” difference between an amateur and a professional. Another is how they conduct readings — before, during, and after.

Beyond that one will see a number of differing factors, which include but are not limited to:

Singing in the Rain!

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

VW Gene Kelly & Singing in the Rain Redux Commercial

Mint Royale video version and another site and try this one by Mint Royale.

This video/music/dance gives me a happy feeling. I hope it gives you one too.