Archive for the ‘Rants & Raves’ Category

Movie: The Gift — Creep Factor

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005

Saw The Gift.

Someone called about a week or so ago to talk to me about a potential reading with her and her husband. They never did call me back; however, while talking she mentioned watching this movie. We were talking about how being a psychic could be a dangerous job especially when working with couples (and one isn’t involved in the reading).

I don’t work with Santeria, Voodoo, Black Magic, or Anything Negative (not that I believe Santeria or Voodoo is negative but a lot of people looking for it want to practice it in negative ways) and it bothers me when I speak with someone who does. Some people believe hexes have been placed on them and their loved ones and honestly these very same people seem to be quite negative and challenging themselves so I guess it’s hard to say what’s really going on but be sure I don’t want to talk to *anyone* who has negative words to say about others. It’s one thing to be angry and upset but it’s another to think one is a total angel and have no idea why bad things might be happening to them — that’s not taking any responsibility for what comes at them in life.

It was pretty creepy to watch the show though I’m not certain why she was using “Zener” cards for her readings. I have used them to practice telepathy but for readings?… hrmm

Some spots seemed true while other’s did not. Thankfully I don’t really have visions since I’m not clairvoyant in that way. Though I would like to see *some* visions, I just don’t want to see anything “bad” which is why I block that part off. Which is why most people are NOT clairvoyant. It’s because they don’t want to be. Imagine the weight put on your shoulders if you were.

When she was doing a reading for the lady at the end and she said she was happy that the woman who was fooling around with her husband was dead and if the reader could “read her thoughts” and how she shivered and just closed up the cards. I have had that. I had that today. It’s when someone shares their negative energy with me “on purpose”! Of course the sitter doesn’t understand at all why we can’t read for them. *sigh* You are not getting your haircut done.

Though I do my best to avoid this with different techniques sometimes the odd negative energy gets through. This psychic stuff can be more of a curse than a blessing… really, especially when people are fixed in their ways, have psychological problems that includes hurting others, and they are unable to move forward.

“They each lash out at Annie and her Zener cards for providing the exact objectivity they sought. Fortune telling is like any other profession that involves consultation: if comfort and the truth are exclusive, people generally prefer the former.” Filmfreak

Happiness Abounds

Tuesday, November 1st, 2005

Happy Ramadan
Happy Diwali
Happy Samhain
Happy Day of the Dead Los Dias de los Muertos
Happy Fall
Happy Happy Happy

Review: The ESP Psychic Expo Toronto Psychic Fair — Connections

Sunday, October 30th, 2005

June & July Summer Special

  • Private & Community Events: $87 an hour minimum two hours.
  • Corporate & Business Events: $104 an hour, minimum 1.5 hours.

Our readers are:

  • fun
  • accurate
  • warm and friendly
  • professional
  • costumed, as desired
  • guaranteed.

Contact us at

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I have been to this fair once before and I came down this year to see if I would be interested in having a booth next year and to catch some seminars. At $10.00 for the entrance fee, I felt it was worth it since I wasn’t going to get a paid reading.

Here are some highlights:

1. I met three great people: A 1950’s sex symbol, a 1940’s air pilot, and a 3020 alien witch. 🙂 Well, not really… but really

1950’s Sex Symbol

Very creative. Very sensual, Scorpio no less. 🙂 She had a lovely way about her that just draws *anyone* in. Quite respectful, courteous, and looking 20! years younger than she actually is. We ended up getting on the topic of past lives and I discovered she had a past life as a Goddess type in Egypt but not a Cleopatra. She had a lot of feminine energy but now I’m thinking she may of been male with feminine energy — hard to say.

Anyway, we went our separate ways and later on she walked up to me to give me an Egyptian bookmark that had been in her very creative purse! Synchronicity? Fate? I think so. I think we were there, as two eternal souls, to great one another. It was the coolest thing ever!!

To note, my ex-husband is Eygptian.

1940’s Air Pilot

Was actually 80 something with an appearance of a 60 year old and the energy of a 20 something.

During the psychometry seminar, we were asked to exchange objects and divine information from them. Since I’m clairsentient and want to increase my abilities, I felt psychometry might be the next step.

I’m not certain I divined much but I did note the excessive amount of energy on the man’s watch which seemed out of alignment with his age. And when I got my hematite ring back, it was buzzing with energy! After a bit more chatter he pulled out a little baggy (this was a conservative looking, arm folded man) and out slid a piece of hematite that he had been carrying around with him. Synchronicity? Destiny? I think so. I think he was here to tell me something.

He did see a fence — wooden with slats and an open area … as if a door was between two sides of a fence but there was an open area. I will contemplate more on that while meditating.

Not oddly his companion (just a friend) who brough him to the show, is 30 something

3020 Alien Witch

She was beauty incarnate. A witch with long black hair and slender body slithering through the aisles and in which we kept bumping into each other. She was glow.

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Relish Bar & Grill: Toronto Halloween Party

Sunday, October 30th, 2005

Reading for the patrons, friends, and family of Relish was amazing. I now know why the atmosphere feels so great when I drink and dine there every once in awhile.

It’s like an updated, upscale version of Cheers with a casual and unpretenious feel.

Without betraying confidentiality, I can say that the inhabitants of Relish are movers and shakers who have places to go and people to see. In large part, they are spiritual in an intellectual way and their energies are wide-ranging.

These are people whom you would want to be friends with. 🙂

This is a warm and friendly venue with excellent food and an excellent bar! I wish manager/owner Joanne Clayton much success with her divine restaurant!

To pat myself on the back, patrons seemed to really enjoy their readings and “get something out of it”. While it was slow for about the first 15 minutes (normal), it became non-stop until I left (usually because people go back to their table raving about how great a reading it was!).

As I was about to leave, still another questioner wanted a reading, so I gave her a mini focus read with one card and invited her to call me for a future reading.