Archive for the ‘Rants & Raves’ Category

Ignorant Understandings of what Psychics and Readers do for Seekers.

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

Related entry

The amount of ignorance out there about what psychics do and don’t do is astounding. Perhaps it’s the bad marketing or the “good” marketing (that which the masses need to hear in order to purchase) that creates such misunderstandings.

The negativity that is spewed here is atrocious and it’s ironic that the tagline of the site is: “deny ignorance”. Come on guys, you got to start with yourselves first.

First find out what “real” psychics and readers do for the seekers that come to them.

Psychics and Readers should do readings for free! ???

Thursday, December 1st, 2005

Related entry

Quotes taken from:

“LOL….that’s exactly why O check [spiritual/psychic/occult books] out from the Library ! I believe true gifts should not used for monetary gain!”

“Making this kind of $$$ for a freely given gift from God that is
supposed to be helping people, or making this kind of $$$ for
faking a gift … that’s really bad karma! (I agree… taking $$$ for faking a gift is bad karma)”

I agree that there should never be an exchange of money for “a gift from the gods/god/goddess/whatever but some believe they are doing us a favor in balancing out karma. Imagine if you saw the same psychic regularly and got information that benifited you. (Yes, why is it okay for the seeker to benefit but not the reader?! huh!) Some believe this would put you in a situation of karmic indebtedness to that individual and therefore it is appropriate to have some exchange of energies to repay the “psychic” in order to avoid karmic debt. It doesn’t have to be money but isnt money just a physical representation of energy? We work, expend energy in whatever form and we are given money. Money = energy.”

Okay. Lets get something straight: EVERYONE has gifts from God(s), Goddesses, The Creator, or whatever. Why is it that people think that readers and psychics “shouldn’t” get paid.

Here’s the thing, there is a “demand” for pyschics and readers so if no one got paid but everyone needs to have money to survive, who would be reading? This “they shouldn’t get paid” mentality is actually one I used to have myself before I went full-time professional. This was a “high minded” attitude I had. 🙂

Money is the energy source, the commodity, that we all need to make the world go around. Now, I’m not much for Sylvia Browne — I’m skeptical of her abilities — however, she writes books that inspire and calm people. Those books “cost” money to make. Does God push his arm through to the earth and hand her a wad of cash to make books? Does God pay the publishers, the paper makers, the distributors, the bookstore clerks??

If you get a book from a library, here’s some good reasons why: you can’t afford to buy, you are not sure you want to have it permanently, you already have too many books at home, you don’t like wasting paper, you believe in sharing books, etc etc. If it’s because you just don’t want to support the writer because they are spiritual, that is really an upsetting concept to me.

As taxpapers are you prepared to pay for psychics and readers who help and heal the world? Because psychics and readers need money to survive and if they are so gifted why would you have them working a dead-end 9-5 job instead of focusing their energy, attention, and God-given talents on something that’s spiritual, heals, and comforts the world? You people are making “no sense” to me. Your arguments are illogical and seem to be founded out of greed.

People that suggest others should do things for free — whether that be psychics or Web designers — are either fooling themselves or are charlatans themselves. I hope they are just being foolish and ignorant.

I think people have a problem with “anyone” making money if it’s to help the heart and soul of others. Well what about sports stars and movie celebrities? Through their art, we are entertained. Through that we get to forget about our troubles for awhile or realize things are not that bad or be inspired to heal. *shakes head*

So you want to “use” people who have God-given talent?? My lord, everyone has God-given talent and if they respect themselves and their gift, they will NOT be used by other people. Now, there isn’t anything wrong with doing stuff for free if a) you want to; b) you can afford to; or c) you are learning but you DESERVE to get something out of every transaction you do on earth.

Sylvia Browne charges whatever she charges because “she can”. It’s a basic principle of supply and demand. If she read for $60 an hour, she would be booked for years. There are different price ranges for different affordabilities. I would hope she also does freebies from time-to-time. In fact, I would hope “anyone” in “any” profession does freebies from time-to-time (i.e. lawyers and pro bono).

Edward Cayce didn’t get paid to do the readings he did, but he did receive “donations”. Same stuff, different term. And in the end, he was doing 8 a day and had bookings 2 years in advance. He died and people are suggesting it was because he was “reading to much”. *sigh*

People who give you readings are giving you their time, energy, wisdom, and knowledge — which is ALSO a gift from God — i.e. God *allowing* you to live and have the time, energy, wisdom, and knowledge to do as you like.

I give freebies but I also understand how the universal law of cause and effect works (aka karma) and so I take no issue with it because I “know” it will come back to me and first and foremost I want to help. I don’t do this professionally for greed. But when I was working in the corporate world, like most do, I was working for greed and then I got sick.

So who is talking smack to who?

Medium in 3 D

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

I liked the show a lot but the 3D seemed wasteful and the glasses bothered me. I would have been fine watching it normally. However, if there wasn’t so much hype about the 3D I probably wouldn’t have watched it. So the promotion worked! 🙂

Though as another blogger mentioned, there are so many other shows I’m watching that this one could be left to the wayside. It doesn’t have that “addiction” component like Lost, Apprentice, Grey’s Anatomy, and CSI. But I’m certain they could work on the show to bring it up a notch and not with gimmicks (though that worked to make me come see the show but the gimmick was a let-down).

I love the lead characters (husband and wife team) and in fact the characters are really great (something is missing in the show though). It’s not often we see a couple interact in a fairly “normal” way on TV and they are both adorable (reminds me of hubby and I *grin*).

One of the best parts was the newscast after the show. There was an interview with the “real” medium and she was uncharacteristically pretty — a blonde even. So goes to show the veil is getting thinner and thinner.

Believe in yourself people! 🙂

Psychics & Tarot Readers: Do You Know What You Seek? Magic Eight Ball?

Monday, November 14th, 2005

Is it always good to get what you ask for?

I received a request to do a reading but the focus question was how accurate I was. My red flag went up then and there; however, I still offered an answer. When I didn’t hear back from them, I pressed on to see what their thoughts were about what I said (i.e. just said in regards to my accuracy “good question” and then pointed to my testimonials. btw, their request/question is not unusual (it’s often frequent).

The underlying message was that they could only find money hungry psychics, didn’t want advice because they were strong enough to make their own decisions, only wanted a yes/no response, and wanted complete accuracy (or close enough to it).

My reply

I appreciate your response.
I’m not money hungry but be sure that your request will draw money hungry people. First of all, any reader that tells you they are 100% (which is what you are looking for) is full of it. Freewill (yours and others) can change the future. We are also neither God or miracle workers. We are below the veil.

Secondly getting advice or information from others doesn’t make you any less strong. In fact, people who receive help from other’s are the strongest of mind, body, and spirit. A reader like myself does NOT make decisions for their clients — that’s against my code. We tell our clients what we see and let them make their decisions as they have the strength to do so. We offer information so decisions can be made with clarity.

Getting ethical and good readers to be a Magic Eight Ball for you is highly unlikely. If a psychic could predict the future 100% they would be rich and wouldn’t be doing what they are doing — guaranteed! 🙂 It’s just not how it works but if you say it does, so be it. Consider that if you have run into so many “bad” readers, it might be time to make a drastic shift in thinking. And a rhetorical question [for you]: Are you money hungry? We often attract who and what we are.

Also, if I were you I would be seeking someone who has precognitive abilities (premonitions), not just psychic (clairvoyant or clairsentient for example) because they see into the future. These people are “very” hard to find because they usually work for government and corporate agencies and rarely dabble in earthly material matters for individuals. [Also it’s not always “on” and may not come “one” even if we ask or do things to make that happen. Seeing a psychic isn’t like buying a good meal at a restaurant.] Other than that, all predictions are possible outcomes based on present events.

I hope this helps. Best wishes on your search. Namaste.

So, is it always good to get what you ask for? I think not. Sometimes it’s better not to “push” an issue or take a 180 or 360 degree approach when things aren’t working. There really does need to be a “drastic” shift in thinking, doing, feelings, and/or behaviours for something to start working and the way it works is not the way you originally had in mind — but it works! 😉