Archive for the ‘Rants & Raves’ Category

Numerologist Predicts Year of the 3 for 2010 :)

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

This is TED’s year and it’s the year for anyone who wants to create, share, and love — together:

Abella’s WOW (Words Of Wisdom)

Thursday, September 28th, 2006
  1. Don’t know what you should do for a living?  Check out your libary, music, movies, etc. for themes of interest.  Then investigate whether you can make a living doing what you love.
  2. Do you often see life as things being “done to you”?  This is victimizing yourself and since you are not a child, you can or have the tools of an adult to deal with life.  View life as “what happens to you” rather than “what is done to you”.  Nothing is really “done” to you.  React to what comes your way with positive force.

Abella Arthur’s Fortune Telling Greeting Cards or Personal Fortune Tellers

Thursday, May 25th, 2006


These Tarot fortune greeting cards (78 unique fortunes in total) are great for birthdays, special occaisons, and thank you’s. It’s also an innovative and inexpensive way to have psychic readings at your gathering such as an after-dinner treat.

Within a party setting, each guest opens their fortune and tells everyone else. It’s a whole lot of fun and enjoyment.



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Jesus and Judas Iscariot: History is a fickle thing when power is of issue…

Saturday, April 8th, 2006

The name Jesus divines to an 11 expression with an 8 soul urge and Judas Iscariot divines to a 5 expression and an 11 soul urge. Looks like they could of been best friends! 😉

Read the manuscript and watch the show tommorrow night: SUNDAY APRIL 9 8P et/9P pt

Related: Barbelo, Tattva, Gnosticism (it’s interesting to note that the gnostic cross looks similar to the astrological “part of fortune” or “lot of fortune” symbol. The Lots originate from Arab and Hellenistic astrology — neat!… It’s all… we are all… interconnected.

I’m reading the manuscript now and it points to occult viewpoints on life, death, and the beyond. It’s really an interesting read. Jesus comes across as a magician (performed miracles to help people believe) and someone who has access to astral travel and who wants to “ascend” aka ascension. If anyone watches Stargate Atlantis you will understand all of that.
When Jesus performed miracles it seemed like it was more out of helping people believe than anything else and it’s interesting because I always pray that I may say something that I couldn’t possibly of known to “help” people believe in the other positive, productive, and meaningful things I may have to say and that is likely to lead to success but is very “hard” to act upon. So I guess I’m in good company. 😉

There was also an interesting part — there are many~ *sigh* – where he interprets the dreams of the apostles Jungian style… cool…

In gnosticism there are 13 Aons and we are in the 8th of Binah (Understanding and Intellect which lead to Wisdom or Chokmah). 🙂