Archive for the ‘Psychic Tarot Business’ Category

Psychic Tarot Trade Secrets & Training Newsletter

Saturday, December 31st, 2005

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Each month one question answered plus a trade secret will be delivered to your electronic mailbox.

Your question (each month) should relate to learning the Tarot and the response will be between 200 and 500 words in length.

Subscription lasts for 6 months and is automatically renewed.

A trade secret could be an especially beneficial book or set of Tarot cards which are not widely known or common knowledge. You may know about this but for those that don’t, the information will be availalble. However, this is more of a bonus. Another reward is having your question answered by a practicing and professional psychic Tarot & Divinatory reader once a month for $10.00! 🙂 I can’t guarantee I know the “traditional” answer but I will point you in the right direction or I will offer you a solution.

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Keen: How to Get the Best Psychic, Tarot, etc.. Phone Reading

Friday, December 30th, 2005


Know what your questions are~

a) Understand what outcomes you hope for but be flexible.
b) Understand what you are *really* seeking. ie To be loved, To be appreciated, etc. etc.
c) Be clear in your question. Do not provide too much detail or background information.
d) State the current condition related to the question: i.e. divorced, single, employed, etc. However, some readers don’t want to know a thing — ask your reader how they want questions phrased.
e) Create open ended and closed ended questions.
f) Be prepared for not hearing what you don’t want to hear and be aware of your emotions.
g) Know your strengths and weaknessess.


Read the whole ad~

a) Write down what you like and what you don’t like.
b) Look on the Internet if you don’t understand terms.
c) See the differences and similarities to other ads.
d) Anything stand out?


Contact the reader~

a) Through email ask the reader what their strengths and weaknesses are.
b) Everyone has strengths and weaknessess.
c) Trust your gut instinct.
d) Trust your mind.
e) Ask for insights and guidance to help manifest what you desire.
f) Ask your reader how they want questions phrased or if they even want to hear your question.


Let time be still~

a) Write down what the reader is saying.
b) Do not draw immediate conclusions.
c) See how general statements apply to you
d) Understand how metaphors and symbolic information applies to you
e) Take action on what you can and let the rest be forgotten (put what you wrote away and then go on with your life.)

Things to Know~

1. Do not seek a miracle worker or a magic eight ball.
2. Do not be tied to outcomes.
3. Understand what you want to really manifest. Not to get x,y,z but to have x,y,z in your life. In other words, not to have Mr. So and So but rather to have love and compatibility in your life.
4. Respect and appreciate the reader like you would want to be respected and appreciated.
5. Do not only seek specific “WOW, How did they know?” readings but rather appreciate that general and synchronistic information can be just as *productive and meaningful*.
6. Some readings require *time*, *calm*, and *quiet*. Ask your reader if they want to take your question(s) through email BEFORE the phone reading starts. Be mindful of not writing too much. A sentence per question is about all that is needed. 🙂

To Be Continued… Sample questions…

What Makes a Psychic Fraud or Scam Artist?

Friday, December 30th, 2005

I have a lot of ideas and thoughts on the subject myself but I wonder if anyone would like to add their opinion.

These are some things I have in mind:
1. Only (or mainly) in it for the money;
2. Doesn’t have compassion for the seeker;
3. Preys on(pushes) seekers when they are most vulnerable;
4. Encourages repeat visits/sessions without any plan;
5. Focuses on the negative (hexes, curses, negative spell removal);
6. Offers negative spells/black magic for large sums of money;

7. Says they can perform miracles:  heal you, get you rich, bring love to your life ALL without you having to do a thing!! *sigh* If only…;
8. and *Purposefully* lists their abilities inaccurately.

Now I must say again, that as a Skeptic I often need to experience or have proof that something exists (odd that I’m a skeptic huh? skeptics are people who like to investigate and believe in searching for the truth).

So since I do not work with those that have crossed over, it’s hard for me to believe that happens. *grin* Therefore I’m not sure if Sylvia Browne is for real but that doesn’t make her a fake either. Having said that, Sylvia Browne does charge a lot of money but I have said before that that’s because there is demand. If there’s no demand, she couldn’t charge that much. Basic selling principle. So people are more than likely getting “something” out of the transaction.

Also, if she were to charge the *normal* rate she would probably be booked for years and years and why should that happen?

So I don’t have a problem with a psychic charging a lot of money as long as three things exist: a) the seeker can afford it, b) the seeker gets something really meaningful from the transaction and c) it was worth the cost.

I think that criteria is a universal truth that applies to ALL purchases in life, no?

Testimonials: Professional Psychic Friends — Seeking Psychics and Authentic Friendship (Penn and Teller Bullshit Show)

Friday, December 30th, 2005

“After speaking with her I felt I had a new friend. I also can not articulate in words how much more relaxed and in control of my life I felt after speaking with her I am a believer in God and I believe that God has blessed her with a special gift to help others”

“…We would be best friends if we lived by eachother. She is honest, caring, and outstanding! She even worked on my reading after and mailed it to me!!! :)”

Anyway, I have listed here two of the many testimonials I recieve which include the sentiment of: “I felt like she was my friend”. I feel so humbled and honoured when I read these testimonials because the reality is that I AM connected to people and I see us all as “one”… as brothers and sisters and that sort of rapport opens many doorways for the seeker and myself.

Now I’m going to segway into the Penn and Teller show — Bullshit — and very abruptly… so I ask that Thinking Caps are kept on or Eyes Stay Closed…!

These guys did a show (amongst many other shows) on coaching and Tarot reading (two areas that I offer professional and serious services). I must say the coaching one was exceptionally funny and I wish I had the opportunity to see the Tarot reading one.

Basically they poke fun at “truths” of both of those services and I find their presentation of segments to be funny; however, at the same time I value and respect those “truths”. Perhaps I find humour in people poking fun because if I can’t laugh at myself and the funny things about my work then I’m being “too serious” and while I am a serious person, I can’t help but laugh at myself from time-to-time.

Segwaying back to my original thought. One reason why people pay for services that people like me offer is because many of us are looking for “friends” but it’s not as simple as Penn and Teller laugh it off to be… We are seeking “friends” who know stuff and can help us with integrity, care, and authenticity. Professional Friends is a newer concept in our Aquarian Age. Basically we pay for help that our everyday friends that are unable to assist or do not want to assist.

In this day and age, how many of us have “genuine friends” who can actually make a meaningful difference in our lives? That’s why while I can laugh at the “surface insanity” of “why pay $100 a pop when they can just go out and make a friend” thinking from skeptics like Penn and Teller, the reality is that it’s not that simple or accurate.

Professional coaches and readers are your professional friends. We are here for the RIS (Really Important Stuff) or TSTM (The Stuff That Matters) when our “regular” friends are unavailable. Or maybe some of us just choose to not have *regular* friends. And there is no shame or perversion in that.

I believe it takes courage, humility, and maturity to seek out help from outside sources when it’s needed and I applaud all that do!