Definition: Cold Reading

see also this entry

Cold reading is the technique of using body clues and other things to read a person. In my books, it’s unethical to let that affect a psychic Tarot reading. Integrity compels me to “disclose” anything I’m picking up from this method.

I’m actually a good cold reader but I purposefully *scramble* this ability when giving readings. I would rather the person tell me directly whether they agree or disagree with a statement I’m making then checking out their body cues.

However, some body language is difficult to ignore, such as crossed arms indicating distrust and/or dislike. Trivia: If someone is doing this, mimic them and then will start to relax. The hard part is doing this when you are not a naturally distrusting person and that you have no feelings for the other person either way OR when you want the other person to actually like you.

Things cold readers can see in your body: posture, eye movements, behaviours, and body movements. Cold readers can also get an idea about a person through the clothes they are wearing, colour choices, hair styles, fit of clothing, speech patterns, etc. etc..

Some sitters might be getting a reading from a *cold reader*. Like I said before, I can read cold quite well but I think it’s unethical to let that cloud anything I say to a person. If I do say something that I figured out through cold reading, I might say something like, “but anyone could see that” or “it’s obvious to me that…”.

In fact, cold reading is nothing more than being “observant” and “slowing down time” to see the fine details that so many normal folk miss. 🙂

Article on cold reading by James Randi

Though I’m skeptical of Sylvia Browne’s ability, I must agree and say that if an energy is blocking my reading, it won’t be really good. That’s because my readings need to be free from me worrying about fear and error. I think this makes logical and rational sense really.

If I’m focused on all the “blockages”, then I certainly won’t be able to get through. My psychic ability is clairsentient and telepathic so energy (calm, quiet, and honest) is a really big thing for me. If it isn’t there, I won’t be able to divine much of anything. Then again, I’m here to help more than anything and if divination is the vehicle, so be it!

More on Cold Reading

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