Spiritual Retreat & Conference
Ryan and I had the opportunity to enjoy a spiritual retreat and conference where we experienced many fascinating events.
Amongst many activities, I took a workshop on how to hold a Seance, Ryan communed with Native American spirits in a Sweat Lodge, he chatted with a cat who told him her name was Lilly, we saw spirit in human form, and we both received divine guidance from mediums in a public gathering.
About 100 people gathered in one spot to receive messages from past over loved ones, spirit guides, and the like. I was picked out of the crowd first and was given two readings. I had the sense that at least half the mediums wanted to pass on messages to me. After the second reading given to me by another medium, I averted my gaze and asked internally not to be called out anymore as I wanted others to get readings (including Ryan) and I believed I was already blessed with productive messages.
The mediums were accurate in what they had to say about me including mentioning that I had to watch out for my ankles (I sprained both of them back in March and they are still healing), that I was successful but more success was to come within the next 3 months, that I was too hard on myself and that others saw me as much more than I saw myself, that I was gifted in educating (I have a Wisdom Guide destiny), and that I had a business. In addition two passed over loved ones came through as well.
Ryan’s reading was even more accurate: he was low keyed and needed to take more of a leadership position so he could enjoy more success, he had an invisible orange collar which meant that he is creative, friendly, and free-spirited (he LOVES the colour orange and has those personality traits but he wasn’t wearing orange that day), that he needed to stop smoking (he doesn’t look like a smoker, was not smoking and she asked perplexed, “you don’t smoke, do you?” — he doesn’t look /sound like a smoker — “because I have *one of your family members* (she was specific in who that was) saying you need to stop smoking!” Yes indeed, Ryan. 😉
As a skeptical person I really paid attention to what was said and one thing for sure there’s no way they would have known who those specific passed over loved ones were AND in the end it doesn’t really matter if they had prior knowledge of us (which I don’t believe they did), cold read us, was telepathic, or read our aura energy, because what they had to say was very important for us to hear. 🙂
About 20 people received readings and we got three of them. I felt like we had a lot of spirit around us as most of the people who got a reading were around us or I looked at them as people to receive a reading before they got one. Later that night Ryan went into a spontaneous trance, with eyes rolled up (whites of the eyes showing), channeled something and I was moved by the incident in an unusual way. He awoke, didn’t remember what happened, and felt very relaxed. I would prefer that he didn’t go into trance spontaneously as it can be very scary to an on-looker so we will be taking some courses to take a closer look at why that happened and how not to have that happen again.
I left that conference relaxed, with many new ideas, a renewed sense of purpose, learned more about the history of stage magicians, and the realization that I’m probably not interested in being a professional medium at this time but that I do want to use the skills of a medium with myself, friends and family but only teaching them how to tune into themselves and the spirit world with ease. Ryan realized that he is a trance medium clairvoyant and he’s very much interested in renewing his pursuit in Reiki as he has a healing gift in the physical arts.
Now the other thing that happened to both of us at the spiritual gathering was that we both saw two spirits in human form but neither of us saw what the other saw.
Towards the end of the service my partner and I saw two men (we each saw different men) that didn’t seem to be a part of the service (not an audience member, helper, or medium). The man I saw had dark spiked hair, looked a bit like a football player (muscular and broad), with big eyes and a broad jawline, and was quite tall — 6’5 to 7 feet. Other than his alarming appearance I took notice of him because he went down to the second section from the right towards the front. As he stood at the row, he looked out into the audience and “scanned” it. The scan didn’t seem normal and he seemed a bit alien and out of place. He also had a bit of a menacing look or a look that felt scary. After sitting down, he again scanned the audience but both times only to the left of him, not towards the right section. The way he scanned seemed unnatural. He never looked back and I don’t recall seeing him again — it’s like he disappeared. Apparently around the same time, my partner saw a man to the right near where the next medium up was to stand. He also scanned the audience to the left and in an unusual way and then went to sit at the front row. He had a mustache, long straight dark hair shoulder length, dark tinted aviator sunglasses, about 6’5, large frame, and was wearing black clothing (shirt & pants). Later he too disappeared.
We both thought that the other had seen these men but as we were sharing our experiences of our visit, we realized we had not. And both of these men would be very “noticeable” to most people.
It’s quite possible they were not spirit but nonetheless the experience was truly remarkable!