My belief (theory, hypothesis, opinion, etc.) is that diskeptics (scientific skeptics who disrespect the beliefs of others with degrading language and who want to disprove rather than prove the existence of paranormal activities) were, in a past life, very powerful magical and psychic beings who misused their gift and power.
Therefore, in this life they do not have the ability to use their gift and power or if they do they “out” themselves and yet they feel connected to the paranormal as if it should exist. This is why JackDirt’s comment “Believe me of all people who want to see God the most it is the skeptics.” on the Ordinary Mystic blog was cool to read and rang very true to me. 🙂
This lock on the skeptic’s previous power is a way to keep us safe from those which would harm us. So now they are left with an obsession of disqualifying that which they once did with ease. The universe rocks!
Also scientific skeptics (without the degrading language element) are an important balance in this world. What better punishment is it than for a skeptic that misused their abilities in a past life to not only NOT be able to use them in this life but to keep us safe from scam artists and others who would hurt us with paranormal or psychic ability?
I would not want to get rid of scientific skeptics unless humanity can be fully educated on how to distinguish between a fake and the real deal AND if professional readers were focused on social work and professional behaviour rather than just making a buck.
Of course, this theory is likely to be VERY laughable to a diskeptic and you know what — that’s the way it should be!! 😉