Fortune Telling Questions: How to make a difference in your life with the help of a reader (psychic, tarot, astrology, etc..)

Will I win the lottery?
How much money will I make?
When will I die?
How long will I live?
Who is my soulmate?
When will I meet him?
What will he look like?
How will my health be?
Will I ever get sick?
When will I get married?
How many kids will I get?
Who is going to win?

These questions are very “fortune telling oriented” and that’s what most people want to know — it’s human nature. Heck, I was asking those questions before I knew what Tarot could do for me, before I started reading a deck of cards professionally.

But over the years I realized those questions do not give lasting peace. They are fun and entertaining but are not productive or positive.

And while I do respond to fortune telling questions, if they do not go against my personal code of ethics, I encourage seekers to ask empowering questions and those start with who, how, why, and what but they don’t end with those words.

Readings with me are discovery oriented and an answer can take many paths; therefore, exploring paths and options are also a great way to get where you want to go. While I believe there is a certain amount of destiny (that fortune telling questions tend to answer) there is a huge amount of freewill (you answer your own question and then ask a reader to help you draw out a path and strategy to get there) too.

So the next time you get a reading from myself or any other reader, try asking the hard questions. Fortune telling questions are both easy to ask and to answer!

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