I saw Mysterion on Daytime Toronto (having worked alongside him once before he’s a *nice* person and enthusiastic showman < --endorsement) and the things he was doing seemed to be very similar to what a psychic (or myself could do), i.e. telepathy, energy transference, predictions... That might be why I enjoy watching Criss Angel so much because I see such similarities. With seeing Mysterion and my recent fascination with Magicians I believe I'm being (for some odd reason) pulled into learning more about it for the past 6 months.
I do understand that magicians purport that their acts are about illusion and tricks and psychics believe they are receiving divine downloads but are the “mind bending” tricks that magicians use (especially ones related to energy transfer — voice, body, or mind) anything different than what a psychic uses? And does it matter?
I see the biggest difference between Magicians (and mentalists) and myself is that my *major* focus is healing and magicians seem to focus on shock. *shrugs*
The way I see it, my *focus* or goal is to heal (through settling minds, for example) and if the techniques I use work personally I don’t care how it works I just know it does. My approach is consulting, coaching, and counseling whereas as a magicians is mind boggling shocking performance.
Now given I just said my main focus is “healing” I do appreciate that what I do is entertaining but usually on a one-on-one basis. And since I LOVE entertainment (I have a life path of 3 with a destiny of 11) I’m very cool on healing through entertainment. 🙂
Who knows? I guess it’s time to explore this more and do some research. *grin*