What’s your mission? Creating a mission! Having a mission! What’s my purpose in life? Be authentic and live the life you were meant to!

Your mission is a simple as this: Giving what you never had, struggled to have, or struggle to have.

Before birth, each child develops their mission until they get to a stage where they can begin fulfilling their mission. For each person, there is a “breaking point” that forces them to realize their mission in life.

Some still have a hard time figuring out what their mission or purpose on earth is, and I have a simple answer and simple work that I can do with you over the phone and in the comfort of your own home.

To start, this is the basic concept: Your mission is to help others have what you didn’t and to minimize their struggle.

So lets say you didn’t get a lot of toys when you grew up. When you are ready to pursue your mission, you might open a toy factory, hand out toys to kids who are in need, become a designer of toys that parents will like so they get bought for their kids, searching for the holy grail of toys… the missions are endless and very personal to the experiences of each individual.

Want to learn more?
Want to develop a mission statement? I here to help you navigate this in an authentic way.

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