Medium in 3 D

I liked the show a lot but the 3D seemed wasteful and the glasses bothered me. I would have been fine watching it normally. However, if there wasn’t so much hype about the 3D I probably wouldn’t have watched it. So the promotion worked! 🙂

Though as another blogger mentioned, there are so many other shows I’m watching that this one could be left to the wayside. It doesn’t have that “addiction” component like Lost, Apprentice, Grey’s Anatomy, and CSI. But I’m certain they could work on the show to bring it up a notch and not with gimmicks (though that worked to make me come see the show but the gimmick was a let-down).

I love the lead characters (husband and wife team) and in fact the characters are really great (something is missing in the show though). It’s not often we see a couple interact in a fairly “normal” way on TV and they are both adorable (reminds me of hubby and I *grin*).

One of the best parts was the newscast after the show. There was an interview with the “real” medium and she was uncharacteristically pretty — a blonde even. So goes to show the veil is getting thinner and thinner.

Believe in yourself people! 🙂

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