Archive for October, 2010

Tarot Reading: How to Read Tarot Yourself (Revolutionary NEW Self-Tarot Method)

Monday, October 25th, 2010

What is the EAT method?

The EAT method is a revolutionary self-tarot reading method. Better than any book or tarot course if your desire is to read for yourself. The EAT method teaches you how to successfully sleuth out accurate insights, on your own, using a set of tarot cards. And with only 16 pages in the document, get to the heart of reading within an hour!!

EAT when you:

  • are too emotionally close to the subject and need objectivity.
  • want deeper insights into your issues.
  • want to help yourself solve a long-standing issue.
  • are private and secretive about your life or what you want to know and don’t want a stranger knowing.
  • want to know the answer to a problem at anytime.
  • want to save money.

Think about it… Whether it’s 3AM on a Saturday night, your traveling on a plane, at an interview, or wherever — you can get the answers you need, on the spot.

EATing can be done at any time, place, and after your initial investment of a deck and a copy of the EAT you don’t need to spend another dime for self-tarot reading purposes. However, remember to EAT in moderation. 🙂

Steps to Download

The EAT Method — A Self-Tarot Reading Method for Personal Use

“EAT is so much fun Jucy, thanks for all you created and all you’ve done.
This work is really significant in my opinion. It was a lot of fun.
This method is simple, and can be used for “spur of moment” readings.
So many people will benefit from this easy method and learn to begin to
trust their innate connection to universal wisdom.” Ken Lusk, Astrologer

Read more about what people think about the EAT method for self-tarot reading…

Download Steps

  1. Click Buy Now to purchase your How-to E-Booklet
  2. Within 48 hours receive your EAT document.
  3. Call 647-895-4233 or email us if desired.

Providing unique and revolutionary thoughts and ideas, that you can profit from, is my mission. Therefore it’s important that the conditions to the right are agreed to before download so I can continue to do this
great work…


I agree to:
• Give credit where credit is due.
o I have learned the EAT method and Solo approach from Abella and Ryan
Arthur. If given the opportunity, I will let people know.

• Not share, photocopy, or distribute.
o I will not photocopy, distribute, or share this method or approach with anyone else without written permission.

• Not to teach the EAT method.
o I have agreed not to teach the EAT method and/or Solo Approach. Certification is available to me if I want to teach this method.


Download includes

Conditions to the left
have been agreed to…

Canadian Dollars

Can you wait to get this Self-Tarot Reading Document? Subscribe to the I want to EAT it! wait list for 50% off the copy $30!! Includes Live Help.

About the EAT Method Document: Sixteen 8.5×11 pages sent in .pdf format. Includes LIVE and EMAIL HELP. The cost savings and peace of mind in self-tarot reading far outweigh the cost of this revolutionary
self-tarot reading method with live help.

What are people saying about the EAT method?

Bonita Summers of says, that the EAT method “enables readers to ask themselves questions in such a way that the answer is not influenced”. Read more about what Bonita has to say about the EAT method:

“This is a wonderfully original way to gain insight on just about anything. Even as someone who has just started [reading tarot], I know how easy it can be to avoid the issue when wanting answers, only looking for the answer you WANT to hear! The EAT method is not only brutally honest, but also infinitely expandable… This really is an amazing method for both the complete beginner and experienced reader. Great stuff, Jucy!” Nick Samuel, Novice Tarot Reader

“Fun, fascinating and a great way to divine the world of knowledge that exists within your subconscious. Today was my lucky day. I was treated to a fabulous introductory session on reading the tarot for personal use. I’m excited about the next session… and getting better at answering my own questions at home. Jucy is very passionate and knowledgeable about her craft. Her and Jasper were a delight to be introduced to. Thank you!” Member of Club Jucy

“This is a great method. I lost the necklace D. gave me as a gift for “having A.” and I spent days looking for it. I decided to try your method of reading and wow! I found my necklace. I’ve also asked a couple of other questions and got some interesting information.” M.K.G Client

“EAT is so much fun Jucy, thanks for all you created and all you’ve done. This work is really significant in my opinion. It was a lot of fun. This method is simple, and can be used for “spur of moment” readings. So many people will benefit from this easy method and learn to begin to trust their innate connection to universal wisdom.” Ken Lusk, Astrologer

“I liked that the EAT Method kept me objective about the question, which definately helped me produce clearer answers”, Susan V. Novice Tarot Reader

DIY – Do it Yourself Tarot Reading

Have you ever wanted to read tarot for yourself but had a hard time doing it? Have you ever asked yourself: How can I do self tarot card readings?

The EAT method helps you learn how to read the tarot more effectively and accurately than any other book or course currently on the market.

EAT document teaches you how to successfully sleuth out
accurate insights from the subconscious mind which is connected to the

In a tarot reading session, lasting one hour or less, prepare to download incredible answers with the EAT method.What is EATing?

Arthur Tarotfish (EAT) is a revolutionary Tarot reading method that
allows seasoned, intermediate,and novice Tarot readers to find their
own accurate and intuitive answers to questions.

is best used for empowering self-analysis, strategies,insights into how
people feel and think, identifying people,places, and things, and

What is the EAT method?

The EAT method is a revolutionary self-tarot reading method. Better
than any book or tarot course if your desire is to read for yourself.
The EAT method teaches you how to successfully sleuth out accurate insights, on your own, using a set of tarot cards.

EAT when:

  • * you are too emotionally close to the subject and need objectivity.
  • * you want deeper insights into your issues.
  • * you want to help yourself solve a long-standing issue.
  • * you are private and secretive about your life or what you want to know and don’t want a stranger knowing.
  • * you want to know the answer to a problem at anytime.
  • * you want to save money.

Think about it… Whether it’s 3AM on a Saturday night, your traveling
on a plane, at an interview, or wherever — you can get the answers you
need, on the spot.

EATing can be done at any time, place, and after your initial
investment of a deck and a copy of the EAT you don’t need to spend
another dime for self-tarot reading purposes. However, remember to EAT
in moderation. 🙂

DOWNLOAD your copy today.

Personal Use Conditions

I agree to:

• Give credit where credit is due. o I have learned the EAT method and Solo approach from Abella and Ryan
Arthur. If given the opportunity, I will let people know.

• Not share, photocopy, or distribute. o I will not photocopy, distribute, or share this method or approach with anyone else without written permission.

• Not to teach this. o I have agreed not to teach the EAT method and/or Solo Approach.
Certification available for those who want to teach this method.

Includes one 15 minute live help and an emailed response to a question. I agree to the conditions to the right for the downloading of this document for PERSONAL Use Only.

$60 Canadian Dollars

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