Discrimination and Ignorance, recent Article: Beauty pageant dumps tarot card reading judge

Discrimination and ignorance runs rampant. And this is a perfect opportunity to update the general public on exactly what it is that we do. Because there’s a lot of people whose minds are living in the dark ages.
Beauty pageant dumps tarot card reading judge

After experiencing my own recent shocking experience with discrimination and ignorance I’m not too impressed with this recent bit of nonsense…

Thoughts & rebuttal of Quotes from the articles

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Post #1
wrote about a second ago.
“But when she told the Miss Toronto Tourism Pageant about her hobbies, she received a letter saying “tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world.”Where does this line of thought come from? Maybe one place is from the Vatican http://www.vatican.va/archive/catechism/ccc_toc.htm with particular emphasis on 2116 and 2117 http://www.psychictarot.tarotreader.ca/?p=156

Personally I’m of the belief that I have been connecting with the “light world” of angels, the Creator, and friendly spirit guides.

“We hope that Stephanie Conover will turn from these belief systems and will repent from her practice of them.”

What century or age are we in?

“Our board of directors has eliminated her as a judge as tarot card reading and reiki are the occult and … not acceptable by God, Jews, Muslims or Christians.”

How can anyone really say for sure what is and isn’t acceptable by G-d.dess? My belief is that parts of the bible are stories and that it’s edited and translated by humans as convenient. And yet I believe in a higher power, a creator, God, if you will. Religion, in my opinion, has nothing to do with believing in God though they can go hand-in-hand.

And since when was Reiki, an energetic healing practice, considered taboo? Basically my Creator made a really good piece of machinery with built in healing abilities.

“Actually, Miss Toronto Tourism is independent, having nil to do with City Hall or with the tourism board, say spokesmen for both.”

I wonder if there’s something illegal about giving the “impression” that this pageant has anything to do with being approved by the government.

“”We never said anything bad about her,” said Warren Booth, a member of the pageant’s board of directors.”

Really? This is what I got…. I got the impression that the pageant thought she was unfit to be a judge, wasn’t a good role model, and needed to repent so I think that’s along the lines of: We don’t think you are good and that would be the opposite of *bad*. At least, that was my impression.

“Booth said the pageant feared Conover would consult tarot cards to pick a winner.”

Why would she do that and if she did, why would it of mattered? I mean, do you really know what tarot reading does or how it works? Because most of the people I engage in conversation with that are not in the “know” don’t *know* and even then there’s a lot of misconceptions running around.

If it’s said that tarot reading is the Devil’s work, does that mean if she used tarot that she would of picked someone who wasn’t “good”? Because I thought “good” is checked and weeded out.

What if the winner happened to be who everyone else picked, what would that suggest?? And couldn’t it be stated somewhere that you are not to use any other means of picking a winner other than the criteria to be judged? Because she could use intuition or psychic ability too and you wouldn’t even have known it. Heck, ANYONE can use intuition and psychic ability as it’s a part of everyday functioning. But from what I gather, Stephanie was to make her own “judgement” of who would win based on solid criteria that had nothing to do with consulting with the beyond, tools, or anyone else. So again, I have no idea why she would “need” to even use the tarot. Where do these thoughts come from?

“”We want to be in line with God’s word when it comes to this type of activity and this isn’t anywhere near God’s word,” he said.”

This isn’t called God’s Toronto Tourism Pageant. And though I believe in a Creator and that the Creator owns everything 🙂 the focus on this pageant was about being inclusive and not exclusive. My Creator is inclusive. And by the way, I use the term Creator loosely because it’s a Very complex subject (my beliefs) which would take a book to chat about.

“Tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world.” and “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spirits for you will be defiled by them.”

Just an FYI not all tarot readers are mediums, spiritists, or witches.

“Tarot card reading and reiki are the occult and is not acceptable by God, Jews, Muslims or Christians.”

There are MANY religions existing, like Wicca, not just the ones cited. What was that about multiculturism?
At least they are not saying that only “one religion” is the best religion and are actually including Jews, Muslims, and other Christians. But each religion has different sects so how do you work that one out?

c: Tarot, what’s the connection to a modern profession?

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Post #1
wrote 3 hours ago.
Tarot, in my opinion, is the original “psychologist”. Carl Jung studied tarot in relationship to his study of psychology and in my opinion formed the 16 personality types based off the court cards and suits.Tarot is by the people, for the people. It is neither inherently hostile nor benign. Since people have all sorts of moods and personality, it can certainly reflect the mood or personality of the reader or readee but that doesn’t make the “tool” inherently *bad*.
wrote 3 hours ago.
As a professional tarot reader, I get flack from time to time decided to research where all this hostility was coming from.My conclusions, personal crisis, and spiritual introspection is long and includes links to other sites, so here’s the link for anyone who is interested in learning about what the Catholic religion says about tarot reading, magic, etc.. check this out:

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