WOW (Words of Wisdom) — You are what you eat!

When you eat well and take care of yourself, you want to continue doing that so a cycle begins; however, when you eat badly and do not take care of yourself (body, spirit, and mind) you want to continue doing that.

It’s easy to stop doing what is good for us.  It’s also easy to get on a spiralling cycle of life challenge.

It may seem bizarre that someone would want to continue eating what they know is not good for them but there’s the “attraction” element.  It’s easy to be attracted to what isn’t good for us; however, if we have a shift (and it can be a very small one) then we can start the road to being attracted to what “is” good for us.  And when we starting cycle in to what is a healthy and happy life, we wonder why we could of ever wanted what was bad for us.

The old adage “You are what you eat” can apply to the people you have in your life “You attract who you are”.  If you are not healthy, expect to attract partners who are not healthy either.

Happy good and healthy eating and living!!

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