WOW (Words Of Wisdom) — Support

Whatever is easy, is not truly of value.
If it’s easy to do, it’s generally of little meaning. Something that takes effort and sacrifice is more likely to be cherished and appreciated.

A bandaid is an immediate solution to an negative incident. If one places a bandaid on a cut wound without giving instruction to avoid the cut wound in the future, one wastes resources (bandaids=money=resource) — present and future.

It’s like the old saying: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life.”
If you offer superficial support, you are only aiding or enabling those you are supporting to need your support again in the future. For some, this may be just what they want to have happen but it’s truly not helpful or healthy in the end.

Superficial help can be difficult to detect. Here’s an example: You can’t pay your bills anymore and the only way out is declaring bankruptcy. Superficial support is clearing your debt by declaring. Deep support is being required to take credit and financial counseling as part of the ability to clear your debt through bankruptcy. Here’s another: I give someone a reading that predicts their future and then that person feels less anxiety for a short while — this is superficial support. Deep support is helping a person define and create the life they want to lead so anxiety is no longer an issue.

Some people see their superficial support or help as being of service when in fact they are being co-dependents and enabling others to be dependant on them.

In business; however, giving deep support is what most companies avoid at all costs.
Teach a man to fish, and you introduce another competitor into the overcrowded fishing industry. Give a man a fish, and you stimulate demand for your product”

But that’s not what I do. I don’t do that in my personal or professional life. It doesn’t support my values nor my mission.

Values: I stand for authenticity, integrity, knowledge, originality, quality, professionalism, productivity, efficiency, and being people-focused.
Mission: To use my positive, enthusiastic, and authentic way of being to inspire and motivate others to express and communicate positive, productive, and meaningful words and actions towards themselves and the people and issues they care about.

Unfortunately that means I need to be smarter in my work focus and strategy in order to make the living I deserve, want, and need to earn.

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