(Along with noting that many Hollywood movies reference Judaism in some way, shape, or form — I’m starting to notice that references to psychics, psychic phemonema, tools, and methods are also being mentioned in many Hollywood movies as well. Hrmm.. I wonder what else is often mentioned in these movies without me being aware. Personally I would not of noticed the Judaism references had someone not mentioned them to me. At the time I didn’t believe it but then I started to take notice of it. Intriguing really.)
15 minutes into the movie, there is a Tarot reading scene and we see the “psychic” holding the hand of the seeker while they ask the “standard tried and true questions”, questions like: “how’s my health?”, “can you connect me to so and so”. We also see that a single lone Tarot card with the 5 of Wands is nearby and we know that “conflict is coming” so when he said, “why couldn’t you foretell this?” it was kind of ironic because she did. We just didn’t hear her say it. Either way, we can’t foretell every possible life incidient that will happen to you. That would take us living with you side by side on a daily basis which would be completely unproductive and wasteful! 🙂
Unfortunately the scene perpetuates what’s in most people’s psyche: a small dark cluttered room and a mysterious woman (psychic reader). Also her response of “I can’t read their palm if they aren’t here” has nothing to do with connecting to the “other side”.