My partner is interested in politics and asked me this, “If American invades Iran in 2006, when would it happen?”.
My response:
First two weeks of June is the announement, then they go into Iran Sept, Oct, Nov
What will the outcome of going into Iran be?
I’m going to list my cards for memory reasons but not make an interpretation at this time:
The Sun, The World R, Justice R totalling 6 (which is Bush’s life path)
I will come back to my interpretation later and will bring in psychic information as well. At this point it’s not looking good and is the WRONG thing to do.
Time will tell how this prediction pans out.
George Bush truly believes he is doing the right thing. He believes that he will be opening up the Middle East to the benefits of living the way he wants them too, lifting the veil of ignorance and participating in the world economy and culture. Unfortunately his brand of justice impacts the world in a negative way. War is not the solution to deep cultural influences, ingrained ideologies, and hot heads. Discussion, philosophy, and respect is.