It would be good to mention that my rates over the past year have steadily increased. My first paid client in 2005 was $25 for a half hour and I gave an hour and a half reading! lol I then went up to $40.00 after about 3 months time I realized that was too low too and then I bumped it up to $60 with $40 readings for a half hour.
Now I only offer 1 hour readings unless you have received a one hour reading within the year — in that case, I offer the $40 half hour readings.
In addition, I have added 10 new readings that address the many needs of an individual.
What am I getting at? I’m still 50% less the competition. Meaning the market standard is approximately $150 for a one hour reading and goes up to as much as $200.00, so if you were thinking of getting a reading — I would get it now.
I have always went out of my way in readings and go beyond expectations. The value of my readings are definately in the $150-200 range as I usually go beyond the hour and I do a lot of aftercare and follow up; however, I’m still finding my ground. I’m one of those spiritual people who undercharge and devalue what I have to offer but in reality I have a lot of education, experience, and a gift for reading that I slowly come around to charging the appropriate price for my services. 🙂
And I will be certified soon too. *grin*
Thanks to all for sharing your stories and your life and for allowing me to help you when you need and want it most!