Very cold, very windy, freezing rain, rain, and very little snow. With that said, there will be snow — the kind that needs boots, it’s just that it won’t last. I’m seeing “green” and sensing “spring-like” weather with sunny days which brought me to this conclusion. I see no more than 7 days of boot snow on the ground.
Update: 2/12/2006
Seen about a day or two of snow so far. Lots of rain. Very cold, some freezing rain. Saw a lot of “lime green” today. I believe we will have an early spring — at this point I’m thinking March will be all above 0 degrees of celcious but I will have a better idea in about 2 weeks.
update 2/17/2006
Just saw this: Didn’t know or read about the groundhog not seeing his shadow until my partner mentioned it to me a couple of days ago AND I just found this link. *interesting* I think I’m pretty good at predicting weather in the way I have been predicting. *neat*
Also, this is my prediction for March.
First weather prediction:
Jan 1, 2006 Toronto Weather Prediction
“Weather: We will have mild winter weather with about half the days being above 0 degrees celcious”