“wow you are GREAT !!!!!!!!!! you really are !”
I was surprised to get this because the question posed was “When” and hey I have been known to ask Tarot readers (in the past before I went professional) “When will x,y,z happen?”.
As a professional, I understand that When questions are sort of an oxymoron. It’s as if the querant (seeker) expects that the event will happen at some point but just “when”. Now I’m all for positive thinking and stuff but when I do the reading or get the impression and find there is “no” when, I’m in a difficult position.
“Um, there is no when, there’s only a no: There will likely never be a when.”
Of course, I try to leave the “no” to the end after I have talked about what’s going on and such and in this case it was a “no… the two of you will not live happily ever after unless you are willing to make a compromise that I dont’ think you are willing to make” and get this response: “wow you are GREAT !!!!!!!!!! you really are !”
Of course there is freewill, but I look at percentages when forecasting the future — there’s a scale to predictions because of freewill and once a prediction has been “said” that can alter an outcome as well (freewill). If the scale is close to the extreme “no” said, then I suggest the outcome is “unlikely” and if I get pushed for an absolute I might say, “no, but if you do x,y,z — it could change to yes”. They can then decide whether x,y,z is worth their while (which usually it isn’t).
While most others were telling her — yes, it will happen — I wasn’t blindsided by the “when” question and as a person with integrity I “needed” to tell her the truth as it was presented to me. Truth, of course, is subjective and ultimately I do not believe in truth or falsehoods, good or bad; however, I use those terms because of the imagery behind the words.
So, I’m humbled to get such testimonials because somehow Tarot, oracles, and my impressions “work” and at the end of the day, I just want to help people communicate with themselves so they can better communicate with others. I want people to take positive, productive, and meaningful actions towards themselves and the people and issues they care about.