News article about psychics predicting. I enjoy presenting the other side of the story or rather other people’s opinions. 🙂
“But media, for lack of anything else better to broadcast or publish during the season, give them their few minutes or several column inches of fame.” Media and esoteric workers are only responding to the demand of the public. If the public didn’t care or in some way, didn’t believe — esoteric workers would have ZERO air time. We are all in this together. 😉
I did receive a call from the Toronto Sun Crime Desk but the call wasn’t returned. I’m not certain I want to work crime stories anyway since I’m an energy worker and do not enjoy feeling/sensing negative things.
About My Predictions
When making predictions, I usually focus on specfics and prefer “real-life” questions posed by others. I don’t really have specific questions so for the most part I’m looking at what I believe to be items of interest to others.
Also I’m not using pre-cognitive skills (which I’m at about a 70% accuracy rate), I’m mainly using Tarot and other tools plus heightened Intuition and in some cases Clairsentient/Claircognizant Psychic Impressions.
Perhaps at another time in the future I will use trance mediumship which will increase my accuracy rate.
And when I’m predicting things of particularly strong interest (mine or my immediate loved ones) or close to the heart of the matter (my interests, my immediate loved ones interests, or the person’s energy related to the interest is very strong), I tend to be closer to 95% accuracy. I’m somewhat of a visionary if I make a strong energy connection.
If you have something you want to know about society, etc.. please comment.
Local (Toronto)
Housing Market — Overall:If you are trying to turn your home for a profit, wait. This year, the profits will not be as high as you would like.
01/28/06 — Just found this site.
Employment: The rate will be at approximately 4%. People are beginning to enjoy their work more because they are receiving employer support; however, in general: raises, promotions, and overall salaries are at a standstill.
Environment: The environment is deteriorating; however, there will be a gift of money to start repairing our natural resources.
Weather: We will have mild winter weather with about half the days being above 0 degrees celcious
Political: Toronto increases its wealth but we still feel as if our “hands are tied”. It will be a time of introspection and attempting to work together to get things done.
Crime: There will not be as many deaths this year as there was last year. A new angle and a new way of doing things will occur. Confirmed
Iraq: They are going to work hard to grasp a more solid financial footing and there is renewed interest in giving and sharing. The U.S. will also pull their troops out.
Medical: There will be a medical breakthrough related to the spine and legs.
Celebrity Yes/No/Closed Ended Questions and Answers
Update: 05/19/2006 — Many of these yes/no answers will be (have been) wrong (in this post) as I have since determined that this method of divination (for these Q & A’s) is not successful. I like to try different methods out but this one does not work. Where I have used and noted my psychic impressions, Tarot, and other methods it’s more reliable. *grin*
Will Michael Jackson have a come back?
Yes but the outcome is not favourable.
Will Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie rekindle their friendship?
Yes. Update — yes back together for the Simple LIfe
Will Britney Spears and Kevin Federline split up?
Another baby in 2006?
No. Update: Yes
Will Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a traditional marriage?
Will Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a spiritual marriage?
Will they have a child together (natural birth via Angelina)?
No. (Although I do not believe Angelina is pregnant now, I believe she really really wants a natural birth — my psychic self is being pulled in that direction for the future, even though my tools say no. It could be that I’m just picking up on what *she* wants.) Update: jan 14, 2005 Looks like she’s pregnant. I feel like there is something “protecting” Angelina so gaining accurate information on her is quite difficult. I probably will stop predicting what’s going on in her life — that would be the best course of action to take. 🙂
Will Katie Holmes have a boy or a girl?
A Boy. Update: April 18 OR 19, 2006 A girl! and the baby will grow up to be quite powerful and a rock for society too based on their numbers. Well, I have now decided that this particular method I tried is not useful and I do not use it in my practice. This was a quick yes/no method because I had so many questions to ask and had nothing to do with my psychic or Tarot reading ability. Disclaim, disclaim, disclaim. lol 🙂 Eh, next year will be better with predictions or I might do a prediction session in a few months again to see how it goes. Freewill is not to be blamed in this case; method is!
Will Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore still be married by the end of 2006?
Will Katie and Tom get married in 2006?
Will Nicole Kidman get married in 2006?
No. (This surprises me a “bit” because she seems like she’s ready but I suspect she might get cold feet. So since my last prediction, it looks like she waits another “year” for it to go through and for it to happen in January, May/June 2007) — This entry used psychic impressions.
Update: 3/14/2006 Amongst reports that they are getting married, I decided to look at what’s going on again. One thing I noticed is a “new” method of prediction I used for the celebrity “yes/no” is iffy in accuracy so I’m using another method for this. I used the new method because it was faster but it may just be less accurate too. So right now I see a 75% yes — there does seem to be an element of it being overseas where her father would be/live but not her mother? *curious and haven’t a clue!* Eh, I’m still not sure. hehe… Anyway, another method will work better next year in my celebrity predictions. *grin* It does seem that Keith is more interested in Nicole than vice versa)
Have a baby in 2006?
How about 2007?
Yes. And it will be planned very carefully.
Will Jennifer Aniston get married in 2006?
Have a baby in 2006?
Will Halle Berry get married in 2006?
Who will the person be?
Looks like someone physically or spiritually younger than her. An earth type sign. Someone who has medium skin and hair tones, olive or tan skinned. He’s extroverted, practical, feelings oriented, and full of possibilities. He’s makes a great negotiator, has a gift of speaking and saying the “right thing”, and can sell most people on anything — a charmer indeed. He seems quite tall too, at least compared to her height. Someone at about 6 feet. I’m picking up law or finance — something that requires keen analytical skills as related to his career. This entry used psychic skills.
Have a baby in 2006?