Britney Spears and Kevin Federline: What’s going on?

In 24 Hours, a local free newspaper, it stated the following:

“Britney has given him a lot of space but he’s been taking advantage and doesn’t seem to care.”

As soon as I read that I said, “A psychic told her that”. Why did I think that? Because a common cause of relationship break-down is not giving your partner “space” and I will say this to seekers who have a “controlling” energy about themselves and/or if I see it in my tools. Unfortunately her “space enlarging measures” are *almost* too late and certainly won’t produce immediate results. Or perhaps my immediate impression of Britney contacting a psychic is that because I’m “attuned”. *grin*

Then I read this:
“Last week, it was claimed the sexy star had turned to a psychic to save her ailing marriage.”

And so it goes. My psychic eyes and ears are open! *grin*

Now lets do a reading…

Okay. Britney is experiencing “true love”. She truly wants to be with Kevin. Her gift to Kevin is making him feel like he’s worthy of her love, time, and affection… in addition just being “of worth”. Unfortunately Kevin is experiencing a “push me, pull me” feeling. He really just doesn’t know what he wants. Sometimes he’s totally “in” and sometimes he’s totally “out”. 🙁 His gift to Britney is that he’s someone she can fall in love with.

The biggest problem in the relationship right now is “rules”. There are too many of them and probably on Britney’s side. That’s not to say they shouldn’t “be there” but life before the baby was a lot more free spirited and Kevin is having a hard time “adjusting”.

How can they fix it? Well, I’m placing a lot of the responsiblity on Kevin at this point. He needs to show Britney what “is” possible and to shower her with affection and romance. He needs to “stop” being so defensive and putting up a “wall” between them. Essentially he needs to “Be the man whom she dreams of”.

Right now there is a lot of imbalance, disharmony, and confusion in regards to their relationship and unless someone “budges” — Kevin?! — the relationship will not fulfil all the wishes and desires of either. It’s time to grow up and take responsibility.

And in the interim, what can Britney do? She can figure out what she wants and to focus on improving the relationship and Kevin’s actions a little bit at a time. Nothing happens overnight — not even stardom… well, for most people. Anything that deserves success, usually requires a lot of hard work. Be brave. Be strong. Your role, as it will be for most of the relationship, is as Matriarch. However, it’s very important that you consider Kevin’s needs and work “with him” and not “against” him. Be a leader and not a controller. Ensure that everyone “wins” in the situation, including Kevin. That means asking him to “own” rules. What does “he” want to have happen in the relationship? Re-draw up those list of rules (the spoken and most importantly the “unspoken” rules).

At this point I feel no desire to predict whether they will break up or stay together. This is at the “sorting out” stage and much freewill affects and shapes their future.

So all the best Britney and Kevin!! I wish for your family to be happy and strong.

Update: dec 28 2005 (scroll to the end or do a “find” for Britney)

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