Tarot Court Cards Redux: The Wands/Fire Court Cards & Myers-Briggs by Abella Arthur

ENFP 15-20 (Page of Wands) ENTP 21-32 (Knight of Wands) ENFJ 33- 49 (Queen of Wands) ENTJ 50-69 (King of Wands) Master - 70+

These were made in less than 10 minutes; it’s a quick sketch of what was in my head — surely I will want to improve upon them.

I wanted to turn the court cards into the personality cards that they truly are. In traditional decks the cards are symbolically bland, racially similar, and gender specific. Even if they are not racially similar there are differences in body type, hair style, etc. etc.. Capturing ALL human differences in 4 cards would certainly be a challenge and I preferred something that focused more on the spirit than the body anyway.

So I have decided to go with the “abstract”, print the “age” on the card (that allows for a 5 year overlap (either way) to accomodate late and early blooming), do away with gender, as a Queen can come up and it’s really just a man in touch with his anima, and the Myers-Briggs personality type which can immediaely give one a better picture of the type of person, career, behaviours, etc.. that would be attributed to the card’s/individual’s personality.

True colors and color/shape psychology were also used to create an intuitive experience for the reader. Also an additonal card has been added called: Master. The Master card embodies all of the other cards and then helps the card before the page (a card that doesn’t exist yet) to embark on the maturing of their personality and life experience.

I have also re-created the cups and plan on re-creating the swords and coins; however, I’m just showcasing these ones for now.

ENFP aka Page of Wands
ENTP aka Knight of Wands
ENFJ aka Queen of Wands
ENTJ aka King of Wands

Here’s one of the blue ones for the Cups of the Court: INFJ

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