Is it always good to get what you ask for?
I received a request to do a reading but the focus question was how accurate I was. My red flag went up then and there; however, I still offered an answer. When I didn’t hear back from them, I pressed on to see what their thoughts were about what I said (i.e. just said in regards to my accuracy “good question” and then pointed to my testimonials. btw, their request/question is not unusual (it’s often frequent).
The underlying message was that they could only find money hungry psychics, didn’t want advice because they were strong enough to make their own decisions, only wanted a yes/no response, and wanted complete accuracy (or close enough to it).
My reply
I appreciate your response.
I’m not money hungry but be sure that your request will draw money hungry people. First of all, any reader that tells you they are 100% (which is what you are looking for) is full of it. Freewill (yours and others) can change the future. We are also neither God or miracle workers. We are below the veil.
Secondly getting advice or information from others doesn’t make you any less strong. In fact, people who receive help from other’s are the strongest of mind, body, and spirit. A reader like myself does NOT make decisions for their clients — that’s against my code. We tell our clients what we see and let them make their decisions as they have the strength to do so. We offer information so decisions can be made with clarity.
Getting ethical and good readers to be a Magic Eight Ball for you is highly unlikely. If a psychic could predict the future 100% they would be rich and wouldn’t be doing what they are doing — guaranteed! 🙂 It’s just not how it works but if you say it does, so be it. Consider that if you have run into so many “bad” readers, it might be time to make a drastic shift in thinking. And a rhetorical question [for you]: Are you money hungry? We often attract who and what we are.
Also, if I were you I would be seeking someone who has precognitive abilities (premonitions), not just psychic (clairvoyant or clairsentient for example) because they see into the future. These people are “very” hard to find because they usually work for government and corporate agencies and rarely dabble in earthly material matters for individuals. [Also it’s not always “on” and may not come “one” even if we ask or do things to make that happen. Seeing a psychic isn’t like buying a good meal at a restaurant.] Other than that, all predictions are possible outcomes based on present events.
I hope this helps. Best wishes on your search. Namaste.
So, is it always good to get what you ask for? I think not. Sometimes it’s better not to “push” an issue or take a 180 or 360 degree approach when things aren’t working. There really does need to be a “drastic” shift in thinking, doing, feelings, and/or behaviours for something to start working and the way it works is not the way you originally had in mind — but it works! 😉