What is Karma?
If one believes in past lives, karma is the bad stuff you did in a previous life that needs to be re-paid or resolved in this life. And/or it’s all the bad stuff (habits, thoughts, reactions) that you have had in this life that need to be re-paid or resolved.
Why do they need to be re-paid or resolved?
First, re-paid means paying your debt back — it’s like a debt. We have done “bad” things and now we are in a negative balance. So we work towards getting out of debt by resolving issues and asking for forgiveness.
Is “bad” a moral thing?
I don’t actually believe in right or wrong — bad or good. Those concepts are not productive and one of my values is productivity.
When I say “bad”, it isn’t about judging you but rather pointing out that we hurt ourselves and other’s around us. Bad really means hurtful. So to re-phrase, Karma is the act of doing hurtful things towards ourselves and others and with that “bad” things or more “hurtful” things continue to happen. Until we release the pattern, re-pay and resolve our debt, “hurtful” or “bad” things keep happening.
Who do we ask for Forgiveness?
You ask those you answer to. That is you, the people that have been hurt, and a higher power of sorts. You can do this directly or indirectly. The most important thing is you really feel sorry for hurting yourself or other people/animals/things. And the intent is sincere.
How do I resolve Karma?
You resolve Karma by first understanding what went wrong and why. Then you do and say things that make up for it that flips you to the other side — “May the force be with you”! 🙂
How long does it take?
It can take minutes or a lifetime. It depends on your spirit and soul — how ready they are to break free from Karmic debt. It takes self-responsibility to bring that about and a willingness to look at yourself for the potential cause of problems (without laying a guilt trip on yourself!). I’m not suggesting people blame anyone (including themselves). I’m suggesting people understand their role in everything said and done.
Who can help me?
If you find yourself struggling to find your answers, there are many who can help. Close friends and family who know you well. Counseling professionals (psychologists, therapists, etc..). Books. Articles. Audiotapes. Video. Personality Testing. Coaches. Psychics. Readers. There’s a lot of people who can help you see sides of yourself that are in negative patterns and then offer insight, advice, and/or guidance to get you to a better place.
Where do I go from here?
After solving your Karma, your mission in life is to help other’s solve theirs.
Since everyone has different Karma to work out, our missions are all very different. My belief is that we are born with a mission and carry memories of our past to our present. We carry a karma (our mission) and we carry our gifts (how we are able to achieve our mission).
What does Edward Cayce say?
He says Karma is memory of our past lives. Memories we bring with us put forth that include bad things that happened by “other people”, in other words “not your fault”. In my opinion, it’s all the same thing. Basically he didn’t want people to feel guilty that they were responsible for bad things happening to them. Myself. I also don’t want anyone to feel guilty and I see Cayce as just “re-phrasing” the message to make it more palatable.
Abella Arthur
. Life & Business Coach
. Personal & Business Brand Developer
. Psychic Divinatory Reader