I’m one of those people that turn paying customers away.
I feel that it’s unethical to read for someone when a) I think the questions are of harm to the questioner, b) they go against my code of ethics, c) the questions have become unhealthy (repetitive), and/or d) I can only say the same things over and over again and they are unable to hear the message of spirit so we can move forward.
Sure, I like money but I don’t like money that much. So I will say to someone, “Sorry, I can’t read for you for awhile for $’s but if you feel really in need, then we can chat *for free* for 5-20 minutes” where I’m NOT telling them what they want to hear (not that I do anyway but I’m *extra* direct in these situations) or really “reading” for them other than repeating the message that they are not listening to. I figure if I’m going to be telling them something they *really* don’t want to hear and have a hard time listening to it, they might as well not be paying for it — eases the burn. 🙂
Reading isn’t just about predicting, ratings, or rave reviews — it’s about helping people with the life they currently live and if we are always looking to the future, then we are not living in the present and I don’t think that’s very healthy.
The honest truth is that I *don’t* like repeat customer’s — yes that’s totally against popular and sane business strategy but I’m here to help people move forward and not stay “stuck”. I love people but I don’t love repetition.
If a client is moving forward and is on a Psychic action plan with me, then that’s fine but if they are calling day-after-day or week-after-week asking the same questions — well, I end up cutting them off from readings.
Of course, that doesn’t stop them from going to someone else but at least I can retain my integrity and peace of mind. 🙂 And maybe, just maybe, they will come around to my philosophy…