NLP: Eye Access Cues and Movements, Myth and Reality

see also this entry.

At the psychic fair I was asked by a couple of strangers who were the best psychics at the fair and really I was stumped. There were public personalities and such but most didn’t stand out. Finally as I pressed myself to remember who *did* stand out it was the psychics who charged less ($20-35). But I will talk about that in another post.

Anyway, it got me thinking of “cold reading” techniques, one of which is Eye Access Cues or Clues 😉

When doing a reading I sometimes catch myself either looking straight into the eyes of the sitter (unless I’m reading the cards) or look up to the sky or up and to my left while looking up to the sky.

It’s been said that liars tend to look down and to their right when they are making things up but it depends on what’s going on as to why they would be doing that.
Calibration is essential in the use of eye-accessing cues. There is a rule-of-thumb that states that about 80% of us will look up and right to construct an internal image, up and left to remember an image or scene, down and to the left when we talk to ourselves in our heads, down and to the right when we are engrossed in a feeling. We also tend to look laterally to our left when we remember a sound, like a song from our earlier years, and laterally to our right when we imagine what something might sound like. BUT!!! This is only a way of introducing eye-access patterns. EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN PARTICULAR set of accessing cues!!! If you rely on a rule-of-thumb, you’ll be significantly wrong a significant number of times, usually when it matters most!. Calibrate to someone first by asking them questions that presuppose a certain type of internal representation. Then, when they’re talking about something that matters, you’ll know how they’re representing that material to themselves internally, and it will give you a more respectful way of communicating with them, by meeting them at their model of the world. Eye accessing cues are also very important in Strategy Elicitation. Read more about Eye Accessing Cues in the book “Frogs into Princes”.

so that’s…

up and to the left — remembering — visual recall
left lateral — sounds — auditory recall
down and to the left — talking to ourselves — Kinesthetic recall

up and to the right — constructing or re-constructing an internal image — visual construct
right lateral — imaging what something might sound — auditory construct
down and to the right — feeling — Kinesthetic construct

Why does any of this matter? Because it might be a way to tell if the psychic is making things up or is actually accessing the akashic records or their memories of your memories or even the meanings of what they see. Just a thought…

NLP Eye Accessing Cues

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