Movie: What the Bleep Do We Know!?

Finally saw, “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”

It’s about the non-reality of our reality. It’s about metaphysics and quantum mechanics. It explains, in part and abstractly, why psychic phenomena occurs — especially telepathy and other ESP.

J Z Night (a channel for Ramtha) was speaking about the topic as well men and one woman of science. I knew she was a psychic and looked familiar. She also looks like Zsa Zsa Gabor a bit! 🙂 Then again, J Z’s life path is a 3!

In her favour her numerological chart does indicate that a warrior — Ramtha — would love to channel through her, she is quite spiritual over many lifetimes, and is enigmatic. So are far as numerology goes, it seems that she is speaking the truth.

But I’m still skeptical of channelling but that’s only because I haven’t experienced it yet! haha I’m like one of those skeptics. I need to recreate it for myself in order to believe it. Thankfully most of the people who sit with me are not as skeptical a personality as I.

One day I hope the scientific aspect is explained well enough for me NOT to have to experience it OR maybe one day I will experience it. But I suspect if I don’t lose the fear of something like that occuring to me, it won’t happen. It seems like the mind protects itself quite nicely from “bad things” happening. So why do bad things happen then? Because you want them too. Think about it. What do you get out of the “bad thing” that happens?

Your mind protects you from what you don’t want to experience.

Now going back to J Z Knight, in the The Skeptic’s Dictionary it says, “She must have hypnotic powers.” I do belive she does and now I wonder. I have long thought that people who channel are using hypnotisim in some way. How that works, I’m not sure.

I did practice hypnotism for some time but only on myself, not on others. It does bring about an incredible sense of relaxation. My thought is that the more relaxed the person is, the more I’m able to pull out from their mind what I need to tell them (telepathy, other’s might use clairvoyance). If the person is blocked (a skeptic, another psychic testing me, or the person is not relaxed/comfortable), the readings are usually very bad.

I do believe that individuals can see their past lives as well as their future but they have too much going on to actually see it. That isn’t a strange concept to me. When I was a corporate zombie I was focused on work, money, having fun, and breaking that glass ceiling. I wasn’t interested in much else. When your mind is polluted with the thoughts of other people (how you are expected to act, what you are expected to do, etc..) and you *don’t* know it, how are you supposed to be able to focus on yourself?

All-in-all I do have a dreamer’s personality too. One which is filled with possibilities and can wax over Atlantis and Lemuria as civilizations that *did* exist, even if their is no traditional scientific proof. In fact, I would say that the highly descriptive account from Edward Cayce and other’s is proof enough for me that it *did* exist.

Finally lets just say that I’m just picking up on your thoughts and there is no real mumbo jumbo going on, is that so bad? This is the question I have asked myself as integrity is a very important concept to me. I say it is (or I wouldn’t be doing this)! Why? Because of many reasons, few of which contain the following: when I tell you what you already know to be true for yourself, when someone else tells you this, you are more inclined to actually *act* on the information — to do something with it; I’m bringing out the most important aspects from your mind that *you* want to see but are having a hard time doing so because of all the other clutter (perhaps corporate); talk isn’t cheap — having the chance to talk about your issues with someone who is objective and is focusing on you and what is really happening to you, is almost priceless.

As for the Tarot cards… synchronicity combined with telepathy goes a long way in making the cards a positive, productive, and meaningful experience.

So there you have it…

Abella Arthur

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