Psychic Experiences

When I was little, my sister and I shared a bed (not unusual for a poor family that didn’t have a lot of space and it was comforting anyway) we dreamt the same dream on the same night. Sometimes we would wake up and say, “did you dream…” and we would always say yes.

The dream was about being chased by a witch (but not a witch that could be seen) — we would both get to the end of the street and then knock on a door which finally let us in — just in time. 🙂

We also dreamt of falling off cliffs.

These two *dream* types are not unusual — falling and being chased — what’s unusual is that my sister and I had the same dream on the same night and usually we were in the dream together.

To me, this was a form a telepathy between us since we bonded well and shared our aura space.

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